25 Fun Fall Bucket List Ideas
Fall Porcia Mann Fall Porcia Mann

25 Fun Fall Bucket List Ideas

I have survived 37 Texas summers and each year I am begging for fall to come back. With days of a heat index of 115 I think itโ€™s fair to say we are ALL excited to get back outside with our loved ones without having to bring an umbrella or a mini fan. The Fall season is truly the beginning of the holiday season and what better way to be present in the season than to get out there and enjoy some fall activities?!

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A morning routine that actually works!
Porcia Mann Porcia Mann

A morning routine that actually works!

Reset the house the night before so that you have a blank canvas to work with in the morning. When you go to make that smoothie, you dont want to have to wash it out from the night/day before then make your smoothie. Resetting the house really should be at the top of this article!!

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How to intentionally raise emotionally intelligent children
The intentional parent Porcia Mann The intentional parent Porcia Mann

How to intentionally raise emotionally intelligent children

There isnโ€™t one book out there that can give you a play by play on what it takes to raise your children. God created us to be in relationship with him so that when the time comes we can get direct instructions from him on what we must do with the child He created. I gave birth to 3 daughters and I have been given the task to nurture these young women and I must be intentional with the work.

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