How to survive life after divorce in your mid-thirties!

Life can get lonely after divorce, but it doesn’t have to stay that way…

July 26th, 2023

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Let me start this article by saying divorce sucks…

There are several types of grief I experienced adjusting to life after divorce and in my opinion, they are all equally uncomfortable. My marriage lasted for 3 years so I can’t speak to the pain of someone who’s been married for decades and decides to divorce their spouse. We are all connected by our pain though and I really feel like if we share our stores with one another we can get through tough times like divorce together. Don’t count me out because my marriage was short lived, I would encourage you to just take a peek at what helped me get through one of the darkest times in my life and hopefully you will read something that you can apply to your situation.

  1. Get you a prayer life: Redefining my prayer life and actually learning HOW to pray was key for me during and after my divorce. I had to get away from those quick prayers that I was giving God and get down to the root of some things. If you dont know how to pray start here- Matthew 6: 9-13

  2. Get a journal: There were nights when I would send long paragraphs to my ex husband because I had a sudden burst of feelings that I needed to get out, and he needed to be the one to hear them. Don’t be like me. DELETE THE MESSAGE NOW and jot those feelings down on paper. When you are months down the road feeling like you haven’t healed, those journal pages will remind you that you are actually further ahead than you think.

  3. Dive head first into a new hobby: I was on Youtube one day and I came across a video of Jeannie Mai talking about her life after divorce and she encouraged her viewers to pick up a new hobby which lead me to the kitchen. Cooking is surprisingly therapeutic when you enjoy doing it. If cooking is your new hobby, get creative with new recipes for your new life!

    BONUS TIP: Throw out those old pots and pans you used to cook in together and get a new kitchen set. (Affiliate link)

  4. Make a future spouse list and become the list: Self reflection is the ONLY way you can successfully become the list. I understand our human nature causes us to react to pain in a way that can allow us to take on a victim mentality, and that’s ok. Don’t stay there. Look within, become what you want in a person and let God do the rest.

    My future spouse list

    Calm - Are you chill or will you spaz out?

    Led by God - Who are you following?

    Attractive - How often do you work out?

    Able to communicate- How good is your communication?

  5. If you don’t remember anything else from this article, please remember this…You will make it through this season. God loves you more than you will ever know and he sees the pain, he just wants to show you a few things. Isolate If need be and drown out all of the noise so that you can hear His clear instructions. YOU ARE LOVED!


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